Get Involved

You recognize the issues.
You want to make a difference.
You have time, expertise, or resources.

You have everything it takes to make an impact for individuals working to make a better life for themselves and their families.

The simplest way to help is to make a donation of cash or property.  Since Bella Fortezza is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, donations of cash and property are tax-deductible. *

Another way to contribute is via your time and expertise in any aspect of basic financial management or social services such as medical insurance, social security, legal and financial services, and unemployment benefits.  Sharing your expertise or experiences is always appreciated.  Please contact us with your ideas!

You can also help by simply designating Bella Fortezza as your supported charity at Amazon Smile.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price; there is no increase in the price you pay.

If you are an individual or organization that can offer services to our target population, please contact us to explore how we help each other for their benefit.  We are always interested in creative partnerships.


Telephone: 240-258-8505

Bella Fortezza
1718 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Please consult your tax advisor for advice regarding the tax-deductibility of your contributions.

Your tax advisor can evaluate the specific circumstances which may apply to you, but in general you are permitted to deduct up to 60% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) in cash donations or 50% of your AGI in non-cash donations.  Corporations are typically limited to 10% of AGI in cash donations.

However, for tax years 2020 and 2021, thanks to the CARES Act individuals may deduct up to 100% of AGI in cash donations (non-cash donations are still capped at 50% of AGI).

IRS: Charitable Contribution

IRS: CARES Act Provisions