
Bella Fortezza receives tax-exempt determination from the IRS. It is classified as a 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) public charity. Donors can deduct contributions per IRC Section 170.

Please consult your tax advisor for advice regarding the tax-deductibility of your contributions.

Your tax advisor can evaluate the specific circumstances which may apply to you, but in general you are permitted to deduct up to 60% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) in cash donations or 50% of your AGI in non-cash donations.  Corporations are typically limited to 10% of AGI in cash donations.

However, for tax years 2020 and 2021, thanks to the CARES Act individuals may deduct up to 100% of AGI in cash donations (non-cash donations are still capped at 50% of AGI).

IRS: Charitable Contribution

IRS: CARES Act Provisions